The Company trades under the ticker symbol ‘DCTA.L’. The Company’s shares are not traded on any other stock exchange.
The total issued and outstanding number of shares is 104,418,755.
There are no shares held in treasury.
The percentage of the issued share capital not held in public hands is c. 64.58%.
There are no restrictions on the transfer of the Company’s shares.
The following hold 3% or more of the ordinary share capital of Directa Plus plc.
* Finanziaria Le Perray S.p.A. is a company owned and controlled by Dr Jean Marc Droulers
** Dr Giulio Cesareo’s shareholding in the Company is held by Galbiga Immobiliare S.r.l., he and his family are the sole beneficiaries of the Ordinary Shares held by Galbiga Immobiliare S.r.l.
Last updated: July 2024