
Directa Plus, in collaboration with Iterchimica, an Italian leader in asphalt chemical additives and road paving technologies, developed Gipave®, a polymeric super modifier containing G+® Graphene Plus and a specially selected plastic.

The result is a high-performance asphalt pavement, 100% recyclable, with longer durability. The extension of the lifespan ensures a significant reduction of maintenance operations and the related costs.

Case History

Analysis showed Gipave® increases the lifespan of the surface by up to 70% compared to conventional resurfacing methods.
In the picture two identical stretches of the Marsh Lane in Oxford, which carries around 10,000 vehicles a day along a key city route.
Gipave® has also been used in important civil engineering project such as the Ponte San Giorgio (Genova) and the airport Fiumicino (Rome).

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