Directa Plus offers a wide range of Graphene Plus enhanced membranes able to adapt to all market applications:
GRAFYTHERM® – 20-micron Graphene Plus enhanced water based polyurethane membrane
GRAFYGUARD™ – Graphene Plus enhanced water based polyurethane membrane coupled with a layer of PTFE membrane
GRAFYOHM™ – Graphene Plus enhanced membrane able to provide high electrical conductivity
Through the acquisition of Directa Textile Solutions (DTS) in 2016, Directa Plus moved to the downstream integration in the textile field. By doing so, Directa Plus started direct promotion and distribution of traditional highly performing membranes together with membranes enhanced with G+® Graphene Plus, GRAFYTHERM®, GRAFYGUARD™, GRAFYOHM™.
DTS has proven to be the perfect integration between Directa Plus’ graphene knowledge and the expertise on technical membranes and consolidated client’s portfolio of Directa Textile Solutions.
In the graphene arena, DTS is the first company that moved to the upstream integration in the textile industry and higher proximity towards textile brands. DTS is offers unique membranes in terms of performances and top-level lamination services.
We developed different types of membranes to meet the needs of the market. The membrane can be laminated directly with the fabric supplied by the customer.
GRAFYTHERM® is a monolayer membrane composed of hydrophilic polyurethane enhanced with G+®. This membrane can be laminated to the customer’s fabric of choice creating bi-layers or three-layers.
• Heat retention and equalization
• Antistatic
• Waterproof & Windproof
• Highly breathable
• Thin & Light
GRAFYGUARD™ is a bilayer membrane composed of hydrophilic polyurethane enhanced with G+®, coupled with a layer of PTFE and then laminated to the customer’s fabric of choice. By doing so we can create bi-layers or three-layers.
• Heat retention and equalization
• Antistatic
• Highly Waterproof & Windproof
• Breathable
GRAFYOHM® is a monolayer membrane composed of hydrophilic polyurethane enhanced with G+®. This membrane can be laminated to the customer’s fabric of choice. Directa Plus also offers a conductive tape, obtained from this G+® membrane. The tape is thermo-adhesive and is a ready-to-use solution both for different industries.
This product is being currently used in the automotive industry to substitute the copper elements of heating components and in clothing as an alternative to wiring.
• Highly conductive
• Data transmission